Welcome Everyone In the Baby Boomer Generation

There are 8 million of our generation called Baby Boomers in Canada and 80 million in the USA. We are the largest generation of children born and have influenced economics, education, government and the workplace since the late Forties. In fact, we saved the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company because we bought so many of them. We will continue to influence as we age and with the first of our generation hitting 65 this year we need to know what lies ahead. Through this site I hope to share some ideas and information that can answer those questions. I welcome your comments and suggestions but will remove anything that is detrimental to my readership as a whole. Lets have fun with this site and get informed together.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stop Your Snoring Tonight

Did you know? - According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's loudest snorer reaches 93 decibels...which is the same as an 18-wheel vehicle blasting through your bedroom every 10 seconds!
Everyone who suffers from snoring or shares a bed with a snorer knows the true dangers of the annoying habit. Snoring can indicate serious health problems; break up marriages and in some cases even lead to death.

  • Would you do anything for a good night's sleep?
  • Tired of either you or your partner's relentless snoring?
  • Embarrassed about your loud snoring?
  • Do you want to cure your snoring for good?
Then you have to check this out http://tinyurl.com/Cure-Your-Snore-TONIGHT

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