Welcome Everyone In the Baby Boomer Generation

There are 8 million of our generation called Baby Boomers in Canada and 80 million in the USA. We are the largest generation of children born and have influenced economics, education, government and the workplace since the late Forties. In fact, we saved the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company because we bought so many of them. We will continue to influence as we age and with the first of our generation hitting 65 this year we need to know what lies ahead. Through this site I hope to share some ideas and information that can answer those questions. I welcome your comments and suggestions but will remove anything that is detrimental to my readership as a whole. Lets have fun with this site and get informed together.

Monday, January 24, 2011

People just don't have any manners anymore

I don't know what some people are thinking as they rocket around in their vehicles now a days. And I do mean rocket. Just because the weather warmed up doesn't mean you can push the foot feed down farther. It's still slippery underneath and some folks are trying to work safely. Just last night we were clearing some ice and snow at the local Tim Hortons so people wouldn't slip and fall and I couldn't believe the chances people were taking trying to out run our shovel loader. I had to keep directing people away from the area we were clearing even though our 10 ton yes, 10 TON loader had its flasher and lights going and was moving back and forth quickly trying to get the job finished. I swear they must put cocaine in the coffee because people are so crazy to get there for a cuppa joe that they ignore everything around them. I mean, just look at the possibilities here.
Notice how big the loader is in comparison to the gravel truck then check out the car right, that got run over in a New York snow storm.
If you play chicken with one of these babies you are gonna lose. Give them a wide birth and let them finish their job. You don't have to park right in front of the door, the walk will do your butt some good. These are professional operators and they are trying to watch out for you but you aren't making it easy. Give them or any machine operator some courtesy and it will be returned. Disrespect the power of the machine and you may get burned. Nuff said.
So the Edmonton Oilers lost again last night. It seems they have a lot of talent but none of it is meshing. I'm thinking that the big lights have gone to the young lads heads. Its not about stardom but about team work and I think that they are getting rewarded well enough for playing. How about taking a pay deduction every time you mess up. Would that be incentive enough to go out and win one?
I wish we had somewhere to go for Dim Sum what with Chinese New Year just around the corner. It would be nice to tuck into an endless supply of exotic dishes to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. Yes, February 3rd, 2011 is New Year's eve and it kicks off 15 days of celebration in the Chinese community.

How do you say Happy New Year in Chinese? The Cantonese version is "Kung Hei Fat Choi" and will get you many smiles and return greetings when dining in your local favourite asian cookery.  It actually means Congratulations and Grow Wealth as you'll see in the video. Enjoy! Bye for now. Dave

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