Welcome Everyone In the Baby Boomer Generation

There are 8 million of our generation called Baby Boomers in Canada and 80 million in the USA. We are the largest generation of children born and have influenced economics, education, government and the workplace since the late Forties. In fact, we saved the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company because we bought so many of them. We will continue to influence as we age and with the first of our generation hitting 65 this year we need to know what lies ahead. Through this site I hope to share some ideas and information that can answer those questions. I welcome your comments and suggestions but will remove anything that is detrimental to my readership as a whole. Lets have fun with this site and get informed together.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Organization Made Easy

The Easy Way to Get All Your Details, Information and Notes Organized Once and For All

Easy OrganizerIf you’re like me, you’ll agree that we all have way too much to remember. Birthdays, phone numbers, goals, books we want to read, movies we  want to see, chores, store sale dates, home inventory, doctor visits and medications, web sites, travel checklists, things to clean, great ideas, vehicle maintenance, gifts to buy...phew! That's a lot to remember, isn't it?

It’s no wonder there’s so much stress in the world!

So, how in the world do you keep all this information organized, and easily accessible when you need it, without breaking the bank?

Great news...I know of an awesome system, developed by my good friend and organizing expert, Maria Gracia, that can help you keep it all organized. I use it myself, and I can firmly attest that it’s one of the best planning systems out there to help you keep it all organized and accessible when you need it!

I use it--I love it--and I know you will too! Get all the details here:

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