Welcome Everyone In the Baby Boomer Generation

There are 8 million of our generation called Baby Boomers in Canada and 80 million in the USA. We are the largest generation of children born and have influenced economics, education, government and the workplace since the late Forties. In fact, we saved the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company because we bought so many of them. We will continue to influence as we age and with the first of our generation hitting 65 this year we need to know what lies ahead. Through this site I hope to share some ideas and information that can answer those questions. I welcome your comments and suggestions but will remove anything that is detrimental to my readership as a whole. Lets have fun with this site and get informed together.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Singing In the Rain

I don't know about you but I'm starting to get a little cabin fever and was going a little squirrely until this appeared in my email. I've always known that music and singing is good for what ails you so I was delighted to see that the Bonnyville Society Singers are mounting a spring concert at the Lyle Victor Albert Theatre on April 28, 29, 30. For more info on this event, check the poster. You can click on it to make it bigger.

If you haven't heard these folks yet, you'll want to mark it in your calendar and get your tickets bought. The theatre only holds about 160 people at a time so don't delay or it'll be sold out and you'll miss it.  I'm singing in the rain tra la la. Oh, just watch the video.

Another event that is sure to usher in spring is the EASTBOURNE HALL ANNUAL CRAFT,
 Friday April 15 - 10 to 8 pm and Saturday April 16: 10-3 pm.

Eastbourne Community Hall is located on Hwy 28, 1 mile
west of Hwy 41 – the Elk Point turn off and 8 miles east of
 Glendon turn off. 
If you are interested and would like to reserve a table for your crafts, household goods, antiques, coins,
 stamps, sporting and fishing equipment, collectables baby items or anything you would like to sell or trade.  Tables are $10 for the first two.  Additional tables are available.  Please call Marci at 780-826-3816 or Roger at 780-826-6816.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Spring Cold Is a Pain. Is there a Cure?

Ever had one of those sneaky little colds pop up in the morning and lay you low for the day or maybe even more? You know the itchy, scratchy throat and runny nose kind of cold. They are annoying as heck and I got one just the other day. The Missus brought it home from her office where several people have been hacking and coughing for weeks on end. She caught it and then gave it to me. Thanks Honey.

Of course I headed for the medicine cabinet to see if we had any over the counter (otc)stuff that I could pound down to get rid of this little bugger.. Well, I took a tablet of something that seemed to work OK and then about bedtime I took another one (the night time label) and fell into a sound sleep. Until that is about 1:15 in the morning. Something was not right. My hands felt like they were covered with fibreglas insulation - you know itching, twitching and feeling like they had a life of their own and they didn't want to sleep. I got up and walked the floor, washed them, drank some milk, ate a couple of soda crackers, anything to quell the tingling. Finally a couple of hours later they had settled down enough that I fell asleep until I was awakened with a coughing jag and a plugged nose. Rats, no more pills for me so I got out the chest rub and smeered it on my chest and under my nose and got some relief that way.

After a fitful sleep I got up and decided that I would check out the health food store that day to see if they had anything because  I didnt want to risk taking another cold pill. (Oh and I have high blood pressure and those pills were pushing it upward.) Luck was with me because I think I found it. Maybe not a cure but something that works and has helped me get rid of this cold in record time. Would you believe POMEGRANATE juice!

I've always been a fan of the fruit and love the taste of the juice but hated peeling the tough skin so when I saw this little bottle of concentrated pomegranate juice I thought I'd try it. It was only eight ounces and a little pricey at around $11 bucks but I thought concentrated so maybe it'll go a little further and it did.

I started using it as a tea. Just a half ounce in a cup topped with hot water. It was awesome. It started cutting through the junk in my throat right away and then my sinuses started to clear. Three days later and I was feeling much better. I was still getting rid of stuff from head and chest but didn't have that crappy feeling and was sleeping better than I ever have.

I don't know if it'll work for you but I know it worked for me. I have it as a tea every morning and I'm going back for more. I hardly even drink coffee any more except later in the day and I may cut that out.

Anyway, I'm not selling the stuff just telling you about my experience with it. The one I tried is called Bernard Jensen's Pomegranate Concentrate. It recommends 2 Tbsp per serving which is pretty strong so adjust to taste. I use much less and it worked. This serving size is about 100 calories so using less means less calories. In addition, it has no fats, only 1 percent sodium and 8 % carbs. There is no sugar added so diabetics won't have a problem with it.  You should be able to find it or something like it at better health food stores. Or order it through Amazon and you can use the search box on the right. 

Oh, one more thing, I've noticed it cut my appetite a bit and I've even lost about five pounds over the last week and a half and that can't hurt.

Hope this helps with your rotten spring cold. Enjoy life. Dave.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Is there still time to go RVing?

Its still winter here in Canada but there's still time for a short jaunt to meet the Sun on its northward treck. You have lots of options so lets check them out:

Fly away with me:  The quickest way to get there is by plane and there are some deals to be found out there. Check out Westjet's Blue Tag Thursdays. Visit them at http://www.westjet.com . How about prices like this - $99 from Calgary or Edmonton to San Fran Cisco. Cool stuff and the discounts start after 1 pm every Thursday.

Or you could consider driving in your own vehicle or a new rental with great rates from online companies like www.redtag.ca who can help you with hotels, flights and car rentals. How about these last minute deals: Calgary to Veradero Beach Cuba on March 19 for $477 per person. Unbelievable. But you have to be flexible.

If you've got a bit more time why not take the RV. You'll have your home and your food and you can stop when and where you want to. Plan ahead though and make sure you have a great auto club plan like AMA's  RV insurance coverage options. You never know when you'll need it.

Insurance aside you'll need to budget for fuel because you'll find prices ranging from $3.50 to $4 per gallon in the US and up to $5 in Canada. You'll also be paying for parking each night unless you find a free style sight without any services. Either way, plan well and worry less and most of all, enjoy your trip. Here's how a few folks do this full time. Enjoy the videos and tips.